Author: lesatphas3m3dia

IT Support

Secure your Wi-Fi and Router

Your router, often referred to as the “Modem”, “Wi-Fi”, or simply “internet”, is the gateway that connects devices like your phone and laptop to the online world.

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IT Support

Maximising Security with Microsoft 365

In today’s digital landscape, effective cybersecurity is crucial. Microsoft 365 leads the way with integrated security solutions designed to protect against a myriad of digital threats. At Red IT, we’re keen to help Australian businesses understand and leverage these protections to their fullest potential.

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IT Support

Stay Scam-Safe This Holiday Season

The holiday season, while festive and joyous, also brings a surge in scam activities. With Australians busy with holiday preparations and shopping, it’s a crucial time to stay vigilant against potential scams. RED IT brings you essential tips to help you stay protected during this busy time.

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IT Support

Empowering Your Business with Microsoft Azure

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking solutions that offer flexibility, scalability, and, most importantly, robust data security. This is where Microsoft Azure, in partnership with RED IT, steps in to transform the way businesses operate and secure their digital assets.

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IT Support

5 Cyber Security Threats to Small Business

Implementing a robust cyber security plan is crucial for safeguarding your employees, customers, and the overall integrity of your business. In today’s rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, staying informed and prepared can be challenging, especially for small businesses facing constraints in time and resources.

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