Cloud migration myths busted with Microsoft Azure

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Once, the idea of the cloud was something out of science fiction. Today, it is an essential business tool providing real-world applications that enhance collaboration, streamline operations and adapt to evolving demands. 

An exciting future lies ahead, with new opportunities that are yet to be conceived of. However, for those yet to adopt, the unknown can seem daunting. In the face of this, some businesses doubt the value of the cloud and feel that migration is too large an undertaking without much reward. Research has shown that many business leaders believe the cost to migrate is too high and that using the cloud reduces their decision-making power. This belief largely stems from a lack of awareness around how the cloud functions and the ways it can be leveraged to enhance business. 

Luckily, reality is much different. For example, Microsoft Azure allows businesses to better manage, streamline and grow their operations via thousands of useful applications. Not only that, it provides a cost-effective and stress-free onboarding process that makes cloud migration easy. 

So, if you still have doubts, here are common reasons you may resist Azure Migration and why they are actually myths. 

Myth: updating your current systems is cheaper than cloud migration

While there will be some up-front costs in the initial stages, with Azure your operational costs will be reduced significantly over time. This is thanks to automatic updates and software, and useful cost management and analysis tools that provide greater visibility of cloud costs. Azure also enables you to establish spending thresholds, uncover ways to alter your workload to optimise spending, and implement automated tools that streamline your business processes. With Azure’s Microsoft Cost Management module that monitors and reduces spend, you could save up to 34% in your first year alone. 

The fact remains that maintaining your existing legacy systems and physical IT infrastructure will strain your expenses more than the ongoing costs of Microsoft Azure. With the extra processing power new technology capabilities demand, it will be harder to keep pace with newer technologies and software applications. By staying with your legacy system, you will find that you end up spending more on resources like CPU and memory, just to complete tasks considered simple in modern standards. The cloud doesn’t have this problem and can help your business move forward unhindered. 

Myth: the cloud puts your business at greater risk of cyber attack  

Microsoft takes security seriously, proven by their annual $1 billion investment into cyber security. As a result, Microsoft Azure is one of the most secure cloud platforms that exists. Well-equipped to keep your business safe and operational, the platform is supported by a team of over 3,500 global cybersecurity experts. Not only that, it can reduce the impact and likelihood of downtime and data loss via built-in disaster recovery and backup capabilities. 

Users can also enjoy 99.5% availability, along with 24/7 support and consistent health monitoring from a network of data centres in over 60 regions across the globe. 

Myth: migrating to the cloud demands too much training and restructuring

Learning a new system will always need onboarding on some level, but Microsoft Azure doesn’t require an abundance of IT knowledge to use. It is specifically designed to be user-friendly so any business can harness it to their advantage. 

Red IT will provide you with subsidised technical training in Azure via Microsoft Learning and accredited partners. That means you can leverage a library of self-guided resources that support the unique needs of your business. You can also mitigate risks further with step-by-step guidance from Azure engineers. 

Myth: cloud migration is overly complex and will create too much downtime

Azure may play a primary role in your operations post-migration, but that doesn’t mean you need to shut down your entire system to deploy it. While there may be some brief moments of downtime, these will be significantly reduced thanks to thorough planning and assessment prior. 

The assessment in particular is an important stage of your Microsoft Azure migration. It will detail a real-time review of your business data to craft a clear and achievable roadmap for migration. The review will cover things like workloads, costs, capacity, and strategies for your business. From there, Red IT will prepare the findings and provide them in a detailed report within 72 hours of your assessment. This will help you identify the best strategy for your cloud migration – it may be a few weeks with minor impact, or it may reveal your business has a lot to process so would be better suited to a phased approach. 

Book your Cloud Assessment with Red IT

Now that we’ve busted some cloud myths, it’s time to start enjoying the benefits of Azure. Red IT can help you arrange a Cloud Assessment that allows you to harness the full potential of your business by moving to the cloud powered by Microsoft Azure. 

Our team of dedicated experts can guide you through the process from end to end, facilitating a smooth and secure transition for your applications and data. That way, you can access a range of powerful cloud services that enable innovation, enhance your collaboration and drive your business to new heights. 

Don’t miss out on a future in the cloud. 

Book your Cloud Assessment and uncover how to move your business towards greater success in the cloud, powered by Microsoft Azure. 

Request today.



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