Need Your Tech To Just Work?

You need Red IT Solutions! We provide a range of services & product to keep you & your team operational. Whether it’s day to day support, managing Microsoft products or keeping your business connected to your clients, we’re here to help!


IT Support Services

Would you rather be focusing on delivering your solutions to your clients & not managing your IT? Our support programs provide your business with the resources needed to maintain your systems & hardware while you do what you do best.

IT support
Communication _ Connectivity

Communication & Connectivity

It’s a brave new world & one where collaboration is king! Red IT is here to support you with the communication tools you need to stay connected & be as productive as possible.


Microsoft Office 365 Management

We love Microsoft. So many great applications to deliver solutions inside your business. The challenge is, as a business, you want to use them, not have to configure & management them. We help our clients get the most out of Microsoft & be more efficient every day.


Domain Management,
Web Design & Hosting

Your online brand & presence is sometimes the first thing a prospective clients sees. Our team has been supporting businesses get online & stay online for as long as we can remember!


Security, Back-up & Disaster Recovery

It’s as simple as clicking on a cleverly designed email & you’re locked out of your system. We take your security very seriously & are constantly deploying fixes, patches & making improvements to keep you & your business safe.

Ready to get started?